What is Gender? An Introductory Teach-In

from $5.00
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“What is Gender?” – An Intro for Parents, Allies, and Anyone Starting to Question Gender Identity

Instructor: Stillman | Tuesday January 24 | 6:30-8:00 PM ET | ONLINE

What is gender? What about sexuality? Are these things different? How can different people with similar body parts identify as different genders? And how can people be queer, but not genderqueer—and what’s the difference? If you’re struggling with any of these questions, or if you have a loved one, a patient, or a client who identifies as trans, or if you’re looking for language that makes it easier to understand or explain yourself, then this workshop is for you! We’ll be going over the fundamentals of gender in a safe, open, and forgiving space, facilitated by a trans nonbinary queer educator with personal and professional experience to share. We’ll define gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, sexuality, and the many different facets of sexual orientation, as well as gender dysphoria, gender dysmorphia, and gender euphoria. This introductory workshop is intended for anyone who’s looking for a compassionate environment in which to ask basic questions about gender in the hope of becoming a better friend, parent, ally, or new member in the trans community.

If it is difficult right now for you to make a donation, here is a promo code to register for the teach-in at no cost: 6G6U6X5

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