Yearlong Writing Workshop: Section 1 ONLINE [$300/3 months suggested]

from $60.00

**Please do not sign up for this course unless you have advanced permission from the instructor. All slots have been filled for 2023. To find out more you can email

Instructor: Andrews | 3rd Sundays, 7-10 PM ET | 1st quarter (Jan-Mar) ONLINE (4th Sunday in January)

Reading for Writers included: 1st Sundays (2nd Sunday in January) 6-7:30 PM ET

Enrollment in this class is limited to 6 people per section. Sign-ups are in 3 month increments for what will ultimately be a yearlong workshop. At the end of each 3 month period, those who are already signed up have priority in continuing on. If you choose not to continue, your spot will be opened up to new participants.

We depend on a mix of direct student donations and supplemental donations to make all classes pay-what-you-can. Please pick the pricing tier that corresponds with your needs and that you are able to pay now. If you would like to pay in installments, make your first payment now and make a note on your check-out form. If you would like to donate more later in the term, you can always come back and use the “Make a One Time Donation” button! To use a full scholarship, just pick the $3 tier to cover site/processor fees.

Pay what you can:
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